Because what I'm about to post is gonna be a gazillion times longer, a gazillion times bigger than what i've ever done so far.
So much so, that I'm gonna hafta split this into four parts.
(No, it's not the answer to Life, Love and the Universe. That's KIV for now.)
It is, however, the complete lowdown on all the polytechnic's open days in singapore, plus a KLCC convention thrown into the mix.
I can feel my finger joints popping already.
For those of you wondering why I didn't do this systematically, understand that every single poly decided to have their open days on the exact same dates (8-10th Jan '09).
And since each is a full freakin' day from 9-5, plus time spent in transit (0130 hours from Tampines to Boon Lay wtf) , jams and whatnot, you can expect to find me conked out on the sofa at 3 in the morning, having exhausted every single neuron, axon and dendrite in my body.
And now, 5pm in the afternoon, the same lethargy is threatening to overcome me....
Why is everything that I love doing feeling more and more like work and less and less like a pastime?
Tonigakku, gambatte ore ga nakcha ...~
8 years ago