Ahhhhh. After a week of internet-deprived torture, I’m back. I’M BACK.
Oh my unyieldingly hard, butt-lacerating stool. How I have missed you.
Now comes the typically gargantuan task of jotting down the previous week’s events---A laborious undertaking at best. The homely feeling is abruptly cut short as the prospect of many nights’ sleepless toil looms.
Oh my unyieldingly hard, butt-lacerating stool. How I have missed you.
Now comes the typically gargantuan task of jotting down the previous week’s events---A laborious undertaking at best. The homely feeling is abruptly cut short as the prospect of many nights’ sleepless toil looms.
But wait.
Isn’t the purpose of a blog supposed to bring pleasure to its author? Shouldn’t blogs be just another hobby to while away the time? Where did I go so far astray?
Oh yeah, that’s right. I started reading other people’s blogs. And being the impressionable creature I am, the notion of a cool, flashy and much trafficked blog really appealed to me.
Stupid, really.
Shouldn’t a blog reflect the thoughts of its author? Though it’s said there’s nothing original in the world anymore, the least we can do is to be original to ourselves.
I tried that in a bid to maximize original thought. But isolating yourself from external influences is like a bullet in the foot. How does one get anywhere without a reference point to anchor to?
Here I come up against an ethical see-saw.
In the vein of the “aggression or assertiveness?” balancing act, one must be open-minded and well-read for the stimulation of feedback thought. Conversely, by reading or absorbing so much from so many disparate minds one may be influenced into writing, even thinking like your source material. Doubly hard to resist when you agree, incidentally, with what their sentiments.
This prompts in me a knee-jerk reaction that rejects such impressionist tendencies. No one likes to sound like they’re just parroting their peers. Only problem is, it restricts subject topic and creative flair to limited instances of brilliance—Trapped in a prison of a self-imposed exile.
I fear I will be pushed up against this particular quandary many times more in years to come.
Perhaps the solution would be to take what I must from all these chaotic and conflicting voices and fashion for myself a new voice. Maybe looking at something in a different light, or offering an opinion contrary to the sea of consenting voices, just to get that oft-clichéd “fresh new perspective”.
It’s worth a shot.
*Crud. This was supposed to be my homecoming post. Bah, another ramble gone off-topic.
**Ironic that I consider this a homecoming when I’ve just gotten back from the actual homecoming that was iPoh.
***Not that either is really home in the ultimate sense.