OMW BACK from church practice we three angels fell to chatting about post-SPM institutions of EDU, and many new revelations were bequeathed upon me courtesy of apostle Naresh:
ONE Singapore's educational system isn't really all that good after all; it's just so attractive because it's too damn interactive.
TWO Malaysia isn't really all that far behind in terms of educational standard from S'pore. Getting a degree from either is about the same standard, only that M'sia is cheaper.
THREE The greatest irony of all is that when it comes down to choosing ahli pakar for jobs, the majority of employers would actually choose the M'sian ones over their own countrymen. Why? Because M'sians will get paid less for their work. If given a choice between two post-grads who are almost identical in terms of qualification, only that one will work for less, which would you, as the employer, choose? So in all actuality, the ones who get ignored are the poor singaporeans.
Go figure.