Just got back from camp,

and what a blast it was!

Already missing everyone from Teenstreet, especially those who couldn't make it. (A sad disappointing lugubrious disconsolate inside joke lol most unfortunate twist of fate led both TS and YLDP to be held on almost exactly the same dates, so the latter was a no-go.)


Met a whole bunch of new friends, rediscovered old ones, and made my interests quite transparent to somebody.

Love to expudiate further, but for all the pics they took of us in TS, not one of them is up yet. And as my dearest lil' sis Esther stated not too long ago, blogging w/out pics is no fun.

In other news, I finally got behind the wheel of a

("In your dreams!", the multitudes cry)

Well maybe it was more like a kancil but still, I really have

Also, I'm going to annoy Rae and her recent distaste of shopaholics and boast that I got this:

An early Christmas prezzie~!

Doesn't it just exude dashing wit, charm and sophistication?

=3 =3 =3


I joined Facebook.

Happy now?