
My first week in college has been an informative if boring one. Syllabus woes aside, it's fun to people-watch, something I've been wanting to try out for some time but never got down to doing.

So far, I've noticed three archetypes of college kids:

i) the joker
ii) the reserved cool dude
iii) the nerd

Unfortunately for me, type iii) students typically abound in my class. Which means each day I have to deal with creepy midgets and droning zombies--The latter being led inexorably by our impeccable physics teacher, Mr. Kar. Some days, you can hear pins drop - and the floor is carpet.

Since then, the only source of levity has come from the two indian dudes at the back, ALE March 09's comic duo equivalent. They're funny, but alas, most of the humor is wasted on the grindstone-scraping chinese. Apparently the concept is as foreign to them as tipping.

Dad's back from his foray into ahma territory the supermarket, and as usual he's bought half the store. Assistance is being insistantly necessitated..... and thus I bid thee adieu~