*not that there was one to begin with... T is with a measure of trepidation that I, Gabsicle Gatsby Monocle Sophocles Svarovsky The Nth, shall revive this long-forsaken blog at this godforsaken hour for the yet unforsaken edification of the masses.
In the undertaking of this new endeavor, I exhort to fully avail myself of the not-that-vast* vocabulary under my command, thus exhaustively conbombulating my train of thought and most likely alienating whoever’s left of my fanbase.
Still with me? No? Turn towards the nearest wall and walk towards it like it isn't there. Then come back and make me a sandwich.
A number of you (....most likely 2) are wondering why I'm been keeping mum for so long. The reason is simple: I don't blog while depressed. Why? Because you probably have had enough lemons handed to you without coming here to eat some of mine. So if I am to blog some pointless crap here, might as well blog happy pointless crap. Right?
So anyway, (still hanging around? I'm impressed. No, really. I'm not. You're either here because 1. you're stalking me 2. you're bored out of your mind. Either way, don't leave a comment.) this is the official re-starting up of my for-all-intents-and-purposes-lame excuse for a blog. Here's to future happy months of lame asides, pseudo-intellectual babble, amateur pics, horrendous use of punctuation, and of course, more irrepressible verbosity.
Oh yeah. Hands up those of you who want to know where I've been.
Thought as much.
8 years ago