- Sleeping too much actually makes you groggier than if you slept too little.
- Humans aren't equal, they're just different.
- I need to start reading again.
- Robots and angels are a reflection of our human psyche.
- Tone down the pretentious-ness. Thanks Wong.
- Maturity is a change in perspective.
- So is true learning.
- I need to find my bodyguard partner.
- Start playing badminton again.
- There must be something in life that isn't all about balance. Find it.
- Talk to my mom.
Don't think too much.No, I like thinking. It gives me something to do when I'm bored.- Stop being so bored.
- Avoid repeating myself.
- Avoid repea....crud.
- Upload Elyssa's pics.
- Find the solution to unsatisfied expectations.
- Think of a suitable catchphrase to round off my posts.
- End on a prime number.
My first week in college has been an informative if boring one. Syllabus woes aside, it's fun to people-watch, something I've been wanting to try out for some time but never got down to doing.
So far, I've noticed three archetypes of college kids:
i) the joker
ii) the reserved cool dude
iii) the nerd
Unfortunately for me, type iii) students typically abound in my class. Which means each day I have to deal with creepy midgets and droning zombies--The latter being led inexorably by our impeccable physics teacher, Mr. Kar. Some days, you can hear pins drop - and the floor is carpet.
Since then, the only source of levity has come from the two indian dudes at the back, ALE March 09's comic duo equivalent. They're funny, but alas, most of the humor is wasted on the grindstone-scraping chinese. Apparently the concept is as foreign to them as tipping.
Dad's back from his foray into ahma territory the supermarket, and as usual he's bought half the store. Assistance is being insistantly necessitated..... and thus I bid thee adieu~
Sophomore slump
And here's day two.
For a change, I'm blogging about something that's going to happen--albeit two hours from now, but still--classes have stopped abruptly for a full day of nothing at all. Thus, we're all jaunting off to Jusco Tebrau for Cepat dan Ganas in a few hours. In the meantime, waiting for the bio peeps to finish so I'm stoning in front of the pc (my second home), getting annoyed at blogger and the world in general.
Oh, life's good.
Classes have ended--later.
Breaking my vow of silence
*not that there was one to begin with... T is with a measure of trepidation that I, Gabsicle Gatsby Monocle Sophocles Svarovsky The Nth, shall revive this long-forsaken blog at this godforsaken hour for the yet unforsaken edification of the masses.
In the undertaking of this new endeavor, I exhort to fully avail myself of the not-that-vast* vocabulary under my command, thus exhaustively conbombulating my train of thought and most likely alienating whoever’s left of my fanbase.
Still with me? No? Turn towards the nearest wall and walk towards it like it isn't there. Then come back and make me a sandwich.
A number of you (....most likely 2) are wondering why I'm been keeping mum for so long. The reason is simple: I don't blog while depressed. Why? Because you probably have had enough lemons handed to you without coming here to eat some of mine. So if I am to blog some pointless crap here, might as well blog happy pointless crap. Right?
So anyway, (still hanging around? I'm impressed. No, really. I'm not. You're either here because 1. you're stalking me 2. you're bored out of your mind. Either way, don't leave a comment.) this is the official re-starting up of my for-all-intents-and-purposes-lame excuse for a blog. Here's to future happy months of lame asides, pseudo-intellectual babble, amateur pics, horrendous use of punctuation, and of course, more irrepressible verbosity.
Oh yeah. Hands up those of you who want to know where I've been.
Thought as much.