It's official.
I'm putting this blog under cryostasis to focus on what's important.
Like my mom says,
"PRIORITIES, mister."
Though admittedly she was holding up a report card with a string of C's and D's with nary an A in sight.
*sigh* She's right though. As parents usually are. Which is annoying. =_=;
I shall leave this place with a tinge of regret--So many things left unsaid!
In the past week, I had gone to the market, got addicted to a Korean drama (Ju Mong), signed up for Chem tuition after procrastinating for so long, had wormy cucumbers, woke up at five and thought it was six, attended three birthday luches (though not all at once) and have had techno music blasting through our classroom during our exams.
And I found out, from addmath tuition class, that I am an Extreme Value. Heh.
More on that later.
Or not.
'Cos I won't be posting here anymore.
So this is goodbye.
It's been nice having you, blog.
Rot In Peace.
For now.