A Pointless Theological Debate

Q:Why is there no female version of God?

A:God is neither male nor female. He is just referred to in the masculine form; and as such is (mostly) attributed with males qualities. E.g. Mighty, Sovereign, Lord, Strong, The Father, etc.

Q:Who then, serves as the motherly/feminine/matriarchial form of God?

A: The Holy Spirit (?) Attributes: Guide, Counsellor, Caring, Kind, Gentle. The HS is also the manifestation of God within us; the experience of Holy Spirit/God's Love.

Or is this a moot point, since the "motherly" side and the "fatherly" side may well only be attributes that we, Man, decide to label God with? After all, He is Inscrutable and Omniscient as well. Therefore,

Q: Is God, God?

A: Two possible explanations.
1) God is not bound by Man's interpretation of Him.


2) He is only what Man thinks of him, in which case a figment of the imagination. In other words, He is as real as you want him to be, and vice versa.

In most secular religions there is stressed the importance of balance. Yin and Yang, Male and Female, Light and Dark, Good and Evil. One cannot exist without the other. How can you tell light from light, if there is no darkness? How can you tell darkness from itself, without light?

There is also the theme of Reincarnation. This suggests that there is a basis on the Circle of Life. What goes around comes around. A never-ending cycle. Which begs the question then:

Q: Where then, is purpose? What is Man's purpose in life?
Man needs a reason to live. No purpose = Man is nothing.

A:There are several, i.e.

For Christians, there is no other purpose in life than to serve God. Success does not equal fulfillment, so is this it?

If not, What Is?

Pursuit of Happiness? The joy derived from pleasure, success, familial relationships,

Or simply, just to Experience?
Sorrow, Joy, Hate, Chagrin, Wonder, Fear, etc. A cocktail of emotions. To See, to Hear , Touch, Taste, to FEEL. Reveling in just being alive!

Are we meant to find out, discover, to know?
Is it then, Pursuit of Knowledge?

