And smoking.
In the earlier years I was taught the evils of this weed, indoctrined against it quite thoroughly by beloved Moral textbooks, subliminal messages in my tv and the gruesome posters they always put up outside the school toilets. In secondary school it was lumped together with the other cardinal sins: drugs, unprotected sex, criticizing the government. By association, people who indulged in such debauched practices were viewed in the same light, so hardly any of us cared to have a go -virtually all our school days were spent smoke- , scandal- and riot-free. For all the crapload of crap they crapped on us, the MoE really did a good job of safeguarding their future generations against immoral practices.
So I never really wanted to try out smoking. Curious, maybe, yet not enough to overcome my fear of addiction. But obscure memories of my grandfather lying on his wicker chair dying of lung cancer beckoning me with his voice like sawblades asking me to try pulling his finger off sonnyboy (which wasn't funny at all O_O ) probably didn't help either.
Funny then, how it seems perfectly natural for two colleagues to light up after lunch at the mamak stall, how the smoke billows out in breaths of rose-tinged pungency, how the rest of us politely ignore the smell and carry on as normal. Certainly it's not that bad. There are worse things than chowing down next to a chimnley. Like not being able to spell chimnley right. Daww
Maybe I won't mind as much when I'm older. I might even take it up like her.
If I lived that long I would try to hasten the dying process too.
In other boring news I've just seen Half-Blood Prince; and my, how stunning Emma Watson has become over the years. Too bad can't say the same for Lavender and Ginny, though Ron and Harry even it out by looking more or less like pasty-faced siew pau - Edward Cullen got no dope on this :
So I did my turn for Hollywood; and to be honest I thought it was okay. Disappointing at times but hardly boring. Camerawork was lousy. Transition between scenes were a little disassociated, weird angles, etc. Many comical moments in this one, most of which fall flat, but watch out for the Liquid Luck sequence. No customary battle at the climax (?!) but Dumbledore dies. (I suppose I should've put a SPOILER ALERT before that last sentence, but I guess it's too late now.) Acting was decent but not outstanding, yet I really expected more. Doesn't less action = more character development? Oh well.
BM translation was impeccable as usual; Dumbledore's words when he was craning into the basin of enchanted water in the cave were immaculately translated into "itu mestinya mabuk." *long exhalation of air* Makes you wonder if the decision to revert Science & Maths was a farsighted move after all....
Saving Gandalf from the nasty Gollumses
Quickie: JB Westley's Annivesary Dinner was fun. Venue was Peking Restaurant near Sutera Mall so the food was nice. The good thing about 7-course meals is they allow you to digest your food before the next course, so you end up feeling quite, quite satiated. Met with some old chums over free dinner and a show. Not bad for a church we've been AWOL from for 4 years.
Not much else of note. 'Cept I've been thinking about halting this blog. No one reads this space, and anyway it takes around 3-4 hours to write a post. Not least 'cos of all the distractions Youtube and the internet brings. =(
Until (much probably much much) later -